Date: 11th – 18th March 2024
Location: Online, via Zoom
Price: $196 AUD 

To truly stand in your power and have access to your full potential you have to master your emotions, thoughts and feelings.

This is just one aspect that you will learn in this workshop but it is part of a crucial foundation for further spiritual work. When you dive deeper into the spiritual realms you will encounter spirits that will try to manipulate you, play you and they can read your thoughts and emotions like an open book.

Also as you grow spiritually your light will shine brighter – attracting more attention from people in your environment. People that support you and are happy for you and people that will be jealous and trying to pull you down.

This workshop will give you a stable foundation to see what’s going on behind the scene.

5 Elements workshop

  • Day 1 – Why the elements are the basics of eastern and western mystery schools
  • Day 2 – Earth
  • Day 3 – Water
  • Day 4 – Air
  • Day 5 – Fire
  • Day 6 – Emotions
  • Day 7 – Ether
  • Day 8 – Akasha

How does it work?

8 consecutive days, starting on Monday 11th March, 10am Sydney time zone, 60 min per day online and recorded to be send out via email, $196

Our workshop offers a rich tapestry of teachings, guided meditations, initiations, healings and engaging Q&A sessions. Dive deep into profound wisdom, explore inner realms, connect with likeminded people and have your questions answered.

If you’re interested in joining us or if you’d like more info, please reach out via Messenger or email at manuhecht4@gmail.com. We’re here to answer any questions and help you embark on this transformative journey. Looking forward to connecting with you!

Get in touch if you’d like to join. Payments available through WISE, paypal or bank transfer.